It seems as though God is possibly showing
Kayleigh's family that she will be called to her Eternal Home soon. Please go to the
blog, read the latest post and watch the video at the end of the post. It is the most beautiful tribute to God and one of His precious children I have ever seen. Pause the blog music that is on the left side of the blog, at the beginning of the next post. And grab a box of tissues.
Pray that God will move quickly to show the family and the doctors which way He wants to proceed with Kayleigh. Pray for her healing, if it is His Will. Pray that He calls her Home, if it is His Will. Please ask God to bring peace and comfort to her wonderful family.
Thank you.
I'm praying! This is so heartbreaking! I pray that God will give this family peace, hope and strength, whatever His will is!
I'm so upset about Kayleigh. My beart is breaking for this family. I have a hrd time understanding why she's so sick now, after all she's conquered.
Hope, I know. I wish I understood why any of these kids suffer the way they do. I have been a christian my whole life. I understand that God's ways are higher and better than our own. He has a plan for every one of us. He knew the course Kayleigh's life would take before she was even born. And He has great plans for her in Heaven.
That being said, I still have a hard time understanding why He would allow children to suffer. My heart breaks for every one of my friend's kids and every one of my "blog babies" when they suffer. Children should not know this kind of hurt and suffering.
The good news is that, at least here on earth, Kayleigh has brought so many people together for a good purpose. She has brought so many people back to God. One little girl is strong enough to touch so many people's hearts and minds. Strong enough to make someone rethink their broken marriage and give it another shot. Strong enough to cause thousands of parents to stop taking the health of their children for granted. Strong enough to remind me daily of the gift Jeremy and I have been given in Marissa.
OK, so I could literally type a book on my thoughts on this subject, so I'll quit now. Time to wake my gift up from her nap. :)
Thanks, Alicia, for the reminders. I always cry and always pray and am amazed at the capacity God gives parents to love and fight and ache for their kids. And am even more amazed that we're loved the same way by God--I wish I could always realize that. Anyway, like you said, you help me not take the health of my kids for granted and I'm glad to get to pray for these little ones and their families even a little. Thanks for having such a big heart and for sharing.
It really is hard to understand why little kiddos have to suffer which in turn, causes so mush pain and heartache for parents, friends and family. I remember as a young nurse, having to help a family with the loss of their newborn. Even though I didn't know the family, it broke my heart ached for the suffering this family had to go through. I cried when I read Kaleigh's story and the beautiful tribute her Mom and Dad put together about her struggles and her young life. Some of the pictures of Kaleigh those first few days of her life reminded me of the beutiful little souls I helped care for in the NICU. God's plan is perfect. He knows we don't understand, because we are imperfect...but someday, we will....we will. Now we see in a mirror dimly....then...
face to face. We will have all the to all...Nana & PaPa
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