I am breaking my blog silence to post a Proud Mommy moment. Marissa was selected to be her school's Student of the Month for January! Her music teacher nominated her, saying she was recognizing Marissa for her "demonstration of responsible behavior by participating in music activities, always being excited to learn new things and tackle new challenges. She is always excited to learn more about music."
This really comes as no surprise, as we have always known Marissa was born loving music deep down in her heart and soul. Late in my pregnancy, when she was trying to kick her way out of me, Jeremy would play his acoustic guitar, very lightly and beautifully, with the neck gently resting on my belly. She would instantly calm down. Then, we discovered her favorite song when she was about six months old: Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds". We found when she was super stressed at a doctor's appointment, which she had more than anyone's fair share of in her first 3 1/12 years of life, we could calm her down by playing her favorite songs. Her Auntie Chelle got her a little pillow with a speaker and plug in for our iPod. We took that thing everywhere we went for a long time.
Music touches Marissa very deeply. You know the goose bumps you get and the tears welling up in your eyes when a particularly beautiful piece of music finds its way into your soul? She was experiencing that as early as a year old. Every time we played Nickel Creek's "When You Come Back Down", she would start crying. Not even crying really. More like heavy, emotional sobs. She couldn't understand the lyrics; she had that reaction simply because the music was so beautiful to her. There are a few other songs that cause that emotional reaction in her even today.
She loves to hang around Daddy when he plays his guitar and he looks forward to the time when she can concentrate long enough so he can teach her to play, like his mom taught him. She is in love with The Indigo Girls' "Power of Two" because it is the song I created an anniversary video around for Jeremy and I and it reminds her that her parents love each other. She calls it "The Married Song". She trembles and gasps with intense anticipation when I agree to play videos of her current favorite artist, Katy Perry. She loves just about all of her parent's music, which is a pretty diverse list. She headbangs to Five Finger Death Punch and Killswitch Engage, jams The Black Eyed Peas and swoons to Sarah McLachlan. And, it really goes without saying, but her love of dance is very well noted by all who know her and her moves are legendary!
We have and will continue to foster and encourage Rissa's love of music. I don't think we will have too tough of a job, considering all the talented musicians we have right in our own family.
"If music be the food of love, play on" ~ William Shakespeare
Thursday, January 9, 2014
The Music in Her
Posted by Alicia at 4:36:00 PM 2 comments
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Dear NICU Nurse...
I came across this blog post and I felt I had to re-post here. I want to remember the words this blogger wrote. They come from my heart as well.
I first read this last night, September 13, 2013. It just happened to be exactly six and a half years, to the night, since we first met our girl's NICU team.
Here is the link:
Please read. It will touch your heart, even if you've never
experienced the NICU firsthand.
And here's a current picture of our sweet Rissa Roo, at six and
a half years old and in the 1st grade.
In case anyone out there is still reading and we're not friends
on Facebook. She's growing up too fast.
Posted by Alicia at 7:30:00 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 28, 2012
Keeping it Alive
I don't know that anyone is out there anymore, but here goes.
As you can see, this is my first post for the year. And guess what? I'm only popping in for a quick "Hello!" and to say I'll be back soon to update on what we were up to in 2012. I heard a rumor that if you don't use your Blogger account at least once a year, they shut you down. I don't know if that's true but I don't want to risk it.
So here I am, keeping the blog alive.
And with that, I'll be back soon!
Posted by Alicia at 7:11:00 AM 4 comments
Thursday, December 29, 2011
The Case of the Missing Blogger
Hi friends! Remember me? Yeah, ummmm... Hi! You may have noticed I have been absent lately. I'm back to explain the reasons for disappearing on you.
Posted by Alicia at 10:37:00 AM 8 comments
Monday, September 19, 2011
First Decanaversary!!!
Today marks one year ago that we yanked Marissa's trach. She has done phenomenally well without it, and even though her stoma did not close on it's own and required surgery to close it in May, it's absence has given us all such freedom. She was able to go to school last Fall when she wouldn't have been able to with her trach. We have been able to go where we wanted, when we wanted, without packing up tons of equipment and supplies. This Summer, after the closure surgery, we were able to introduce her to playing in water. She had an amazingly awesome Summer, all because a little piece of silicone was removed from her neck a year ago today.
Speaking of Summer fun, I have to show you all pictures of some of the things we did.
Posted by Alicia at 10:56:00 PM 5 comments
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Our Big, Dumb, Not-So-Fun Adventure
**ETA** This all happened yesterday but I couldn't post until today because our internet was down.
So... I had a great idea to entertain the kids this afternoon. They were both going a little crazy and I decided it would be fun to take them across the street to the movie theatre, which has a cool water jet fountain for them to run around in. It was about 78 degrees but very sunny and humid because of the massive rain storm we had yesterday and last night, and I thought this would be awesome fun for them. So I started to get them ready.
I stripped Rissa down to her diaper, (yes, we are still working on potty training **beating my head against the wall**, but that's a story for another time) took her out on the back patio, and got her sprayed with sunscreen. Next, I got Sully out there to do the same. Before I could squirt the first spray of sunscreen on him, Rissa reached up and shut the backdoor. A cold shock of panic immediately ran through me, as I realized the door knob was locked from the inside and I had no keys and no phone. It was about 2:15 pm at this point. Sully's mom comes to get him at 4:30 and Jeremy doesn't come home until 5:00. AAAGGGHHH!!! I sat down on the patio swing for a moment, trying to figure out what we were going to do.
Really, the only thing I could do was take the kids, Sully in a diaper and t-shirt and Rissa in only a diaper, all three of us with no shoes, and knock on neighbor's doors, hoping they were home and would let us use their phone. We went across the street and knocked on the door. No answer. We went back across the street and up one house and knocked on the door. No answer. I knew our retired neighbor to the back of us was probably home, so we walked back down the sidewalk and around the corner to his house. Luckily, Larry was home. He let us in, gave the kids cookies and drinks and let me use his phone to call Jeremy. We had a nice little chat about the state of the Union while Sully sat there calmly and Rissa ran around Larry's living room like a crazy woman.
By this time it was 2:45. Jeremy went to his boss and said "My wife locked herself and the kids out of the house". Almost before he could finish what he was saying, his boss said "GO!". His boss is the absolute best! We left Larry's house and came back to our backyard and sat on the patio swing until Jeremy let us in about 3:15. Whew!!
We were so lucky in so many ways. It wasn't too hot or too cold, it wasn't raining, both kids had fresh diapers, we had sunscreen, and we had a very nice neighbor to take us in during our time of need. Even though it was a pain in the butt at the moment, we can all laugh at the situation now, because it could have been so much worse. Now I have a very funny story to tell.
And now I am going to have a beer. Or three.
Posted by Alicia at 8:52:00 AM 5 comments
Thursday, July 28, 2011
It Sucks
Well friends, we went to the orthopedic surgeon to look at Rissa's hips again today. It looks as though surgery to correct the dysplasia in her left hip is on the horizon for next Spring. As I have blogged about before, she has Developmental Hip Dysplasia. If you look at the four bullet points where the risk factors are listed, she fits all four. The cards are stacked against her. Incredible!
Posted by Alicia at 5:56:00 PM 4 comments